BI390: Bioinformatics Workshop
(Fall, 2020)

Instructor: Wu, Maoying
Where: Bioinformatics Computer Lab, 4C-302
When: 9:00-17:00, September 09 - September 22
Credit: 3.5
Reference: Github
Reference Guidebook

This course will provide hands-on training in applying computational, statistical and machine learning approaches for omics data.

In this practical course we will cover the following topics:

  • High-performance computing for bioinformatics (MPICH and CUDA Programming),
  • Biological sequence analysis (assembly, alignment, variant detection),
  • Transcriptiome analysis (microarray, RNA-seq),
  • Molecular phylogenetics (maximum-likelihood, Bayesian approach),
  • Statistical Genetics of Diseases/Phenotypes (Linkage/Association/Meta-analysis/eQTL),
  • Microbiome studies (microbiota, metagenomics),
  • Machine Learning Techniques (clustering, classification),
  • Other state-of-the-art algorithms as well as
  • Network biology.


Submit your final report through Canvas before 2020-10-31. I'd like your to finish your report in a single tar.gz archive. You can find the template provided by Oxford Bioinformatics, the renowned journal in the field of bioinformatics.
