1.1 Add a second subroutine to the example that prints all tags that are not closing tags. Before the subroutines are called, let the main routine print a heading "these are the opening tags" and "these are the closing tags". #!/usr/bin/python ######### modules and global variables ############################ import re closing_tag = re.compile(r"") opening_tag = re.compile(r"<[^/].*?>") ######### subroutines ############################################# def find_closing_tags(line): result = closing_tag.search(line) if result: print result.group() def find_opening_tags(line): result = opening_tag.search(line) if result: print result.group() ######### main program ############################################ file = open("example.html","r") text = file.readlines() file.close() print "these are the closing tags" for line in text: find_closing_tags(line) print "these are the opening tags" for line in text: find_opening_tags(line) --- 2.1 Write a third function for the script. The function is called get_input. It takes filecontent as argument and also returns it. The function asks a user to input some text. The text is inserted at the end of the file. Optional: the user is also asked for the line where the text will be inserted. #!/usr/bin/python import os ######### functions ############################################# def read_file(filename): file = open(filename, "r") text = file.readlines() file.close() return text def write_file(filename,text): file = open(filename, "w") file.writelines(text) file.close() def get_input(text): user_input = raw_input("Please type something ") text.append(user_input + "\n") return text ######### main program ############################################ filecontent = read_file("example.html") filecontent = get_input(filecontent) write_file("example.html", filecontent) os.system("more example.html") --- 2.2 Modify the previous example so that the user is asked for his/her first name, last name, email address. The information is stored in the file in the following format: Mary | Smith | mary@somecompany.com John | Miller | miller@somecompany.com #!/usr/bin/python import os ######### functions ############################################# def read_file(filename): file = open(filename, "r") text = file.readlines() file.close() return text def write_file(filename,text): file = open(filename, "w") file.writelines(text) file.close() def get_input(text): fname = raw_input("Enter your first name ") lname = raw_input("Enter your last name ") email = raw_input("Enter your email ") text.append(fname + "|" + lname + "|"+ email + "\n") return text ######### main program ############################################ filecontent = read_file("example.html") filecontent = get_input(filecontent) write_file("example.html", filecontent) os.system("more example.html") --- 2.3 A fourth function is added that asks a user for her/his last name and retrieves the email address from the file. To do that every line of the file is split into a list. The second element in the list is compared to the current user's last name. #!/usr/bin/python # note: # this script only works if the input file is of the correct format: # something | something | something import os import re ######### functions ############################################# def read_file(filename): file = open(filename, "r") text = file.readlines() file.close() return text def write_file(filename,text): file = open(filename, "w") file.writelines(text) file.close() def get_input(text): fname = raw_input("Enter your first name ") lname = raw_input("Enter your last name ") email = raw_input("Enter your email ") text.append(fname + "|" + lname + "|"+ email + "\n") return text def find_email(text): lname = raw_input("Please, enter your last name ") pipe_symbol = re.compile(r"\|") for line in text: current_list = pipe_symbol.split(line) if current_list[1] == lname: print "Your email address is", current_list[2], ######### main program ############################################ filecontent = read_file("example.html") filecontent = get_input(filecontent) write_file("example.html", filecontent) find_email(filecontent)