2.1) Modify the program from above so that it asks users to "guess the lucky number". If the correct number is guessed the program stops, otherwise it continues forever. #!/usr/bin/python # # guess the lucky number number = input("Guess the lucky number ") while number != 5: print "That is not the lucky number" number = input("Guess the lucky number ") 2.2) Modify the program so that it asks users whether they want to guess again each time. Use two variables, number for the number and answer for the answer to the question whether they want to continue guessing. The program stops if the user guesses the correct number or answers "no". (In other words, the program continues as long as a user has not answered "no" and has not guessed the correct number.) #!/usr/bin/python # # while statement with 2 variables that can terminate the loop number = -1 again = "yes" while number != 5 and again != "no": number = input("Guess the lucky number: ") if number != 5: print "That is not the lucky number" again = raw_input("Would you like to guess again? ") 3.1) A counter: Write a program that asks five times to guess the lucky number. Use a while loop and a counter, such as ... The program asks for five guesses (no matter whether the correct number was guessed or not). If the correct number is guessed, the program outputs "Good guess!", otherwise it outputs "Try again!". After the fifth guess it stops and prints "Game over." #!/usr/bin/python # # while statement with counter counter = 1 while counter <= 5: number = input("Guess the " + str(counter) + ". number ") if number != 5: print "Try again." else: print "Good guess!" counter = counter +1 else: print "Game over" 3.2) break: In the previous example, insert "break" after the "Good guess!" print statement. "break" will terminate the while loop so that users do not have to continue guessing after they found the number. If the user does not guess the number at all print "Sorry but that was not very successful" (use "else" for this). #!/usr/bin/python # # while statement with counter and break counter = 1 while counter <= 5: number = input("Guess the " + str(counter) + ". number ") if number != 5: print "Try again." else: print "Good guess!" break counter = counter +1 else: print "Sorry but that was not very successful" 3.3) Counting hits: Modify the program again. This time the program continues even after the correct number was guessed but it counts how often the correct number was guessed. You'll need two counters: one for the while loop and another one for the number of correct guesses. After the while loop is finished, use an if statement to print either "You guessed the number ... times" or "The number was not guessed at all". #!/usr/bin/python # # counting hits counter = 1 hits = 0 while counter <= 5: number = input("Guess the " + str(counter) + ". number ") if number != 5: print "Try again." else: print "Good guess!" hits = hits + 1 counter = counter +1 if hits > 0: print "You guessed the number", hits, "times" else: print "The number was not guessed at all" 4.1) Modify the counter program from above using a for loop so that it asks the user for five guesses and then stops. Use "break" to terminate the for loop as soon as the correct number is guessed. #!/usr/bin/python # # for statement # for counter in range(5): number = input("Guess the " + str(counter + 1) + ". number ") if number != 5: print "Try again." else: print "Good guess!" break 4.2) Optional exercise: print all multiples of 13 that are smaller than 100. Use the range function in the following manner: range(start, end, step) where "start" is the starting value of the counter, "end" is the end value and "step" is the amount by which the counter is increased each time. #!/usr/bin/python # # multiples of 13 for counter in range(13,100,13): print counter