1.1) Create a list that contains the names of 5 students of this class. (Do not ask for input to do that, simply create the list.) Print the list. Ask the user to input one more name and append it to the list. Print the list. Ask a user to input a number. Print the name that has that number as index. Add "John Smith" and "Mary Miller" to the beginning of the list (by using "+"). Print the list. #!/usr/bin/python students = ["Paul Miller", "Kathy Jones", "Susan Smith", "John Doe", "James Black"] print "The following students are in the class:", students new_student = raw_input("Type the name of another student: ") students.append(new_student) print "The following students are in the class:", students number = input("Enter a number: ") print "The student number", number + 1, "is", students[number] students = ["John Smith", "Mary Miller"] + students print "The following students are in the class:", students ---------------- 2.1) Continue with the script from 1.1): Print the list. Remove the last name from the list. Print the list. Ask a user to type a name. Check whether that name is in the list: if it is then delete it from the list. Otherwise add it at the end. Create a copy of the list in reverse order. Print the original list and the reverse list. #!/usr/bin/python students = ["Paul Miller", "Kathy Jones", "Susan Smith", "John Doe", "James Black"] print "The following students are in the class:", students del students[-1] print "The following students are in the class:", students another_student = raw_input("Enter the name of a student to be added/deleted: ") if another_student in students: students.remove(another_student) else: students.append(another_student) print "The following students are in the class:", students more_students = students[:] more_students.reverse() print students print more_students ---------------- 3.1) Use the list of student names from exercise 2.1): Create a for loop that prints for each student "hello student_name, how are you?" where student_name is replaced by the name of the student. #!/usr/bin/python # students = ["Paul Miller", "Kathy Jones", "Susan Smith", "John Doe", "James Black"] for student in students: print "Hello", student + ", how are you?" ---------------- 3.2) Optional: Use the list of student names from the previous exercise. Create a for loop that asks the user for every name whether they would like to keep the name or delete it. Delete the names which the user no longer wants. Hint: you cannot go through a list using a for loop and delete elements from the same list simulatenously because in that way the for loop will not reach all elements. You can either use a second copy of the list for the loop condition or you can use a second empty list to which you append the elements that the user does not want to delete. #!/usr/bin/python # # first version students = ["Paul Miller", "Kathy Jones", "Susan Smith", "John Doe", "James Black"] new_students = students[:] for student in new_students: print "Do you want to keep student", student, "?" answer = raw_input ("yes/no ") if answer != "yes": students.remove(student) print students ---------------- #!/usr/bin/python # # second version students = ["Paul Miller", "Kathy Jones", "Susan Smith", "John Doe", "James Black"] new_students = [] for student in students: print "Do you want to keep student", student, "?" answer = raw_input ("yes/no ") if answer == "yes": new_students.append(student) students = new_students print students --------------- 4.1) Modify the program so that the lines are printed in reverse order. #!/usr/bin/python # # Program to read and print a file # file = open("alice.txt","r") text = file.readlines() file.close() text.reverse() for line in text: print line, print --------------- 4.2) Output to another file instead of the screen. First, let your script overwrite the output file, then change the script so that it appends the output to an existing file. file = open("alice.txt","r") text = file.readlines() file.close() file2 = open ("output.txt", "w") file2.writelines(text) file2.close file2 = open ("append.txt", "a") file2.writelines(text) file2.close --------------- 4.3) Modify the program so that each line is printed with a line number at the beginning. #!/usr/bin/python # # Program to read and print a file # file = open("alice.txt","r") text = file.readlines() file.close() counter = 1 for line in text: print counter, line, counter = counter +1 print --------------- 6.1) Create a second dictionary (such as "age") and print its values as well. #!/usr/bin/python # # a dictionary relatives ={"Lisa" : "daughter", "Bart" : "son", "Marge" : "mother", "Homer" : "father", "Santa" : "dog"} age ={"Lisa" : 8, "Bart" : 10, "Marge" : 35, "Homer" : 40, "Santa" : 2} for member in relatives.keys(): print member, "is a", relatives[member], "and is", age[member], \ "years old"