With growing presence of global pharmaceutical companies in Shanghai, rapid growth of China pharmaceutical industry, and the increasing trend for out-sourcing of statistical services to China, the number of biostatisticians and the demands for the biostatistics expertise are quickly increasing.

The Shanghai Biostatistics Forum (SBF) is formed to

  • promoting biometrics-related professions in China as international talent forces,
  • enhancing the recognition of professionals in biostatistics, clinical data management and programming, and
  • providing information exchange and networking opportunities.

Our Aims

  • Sharing and exchanging information, experiences, and research findings in the biopharmaceutical statistics, clinical data management and programming.
  • Enhancing the communication between the industry, academia, and regulatory authorities.
  • Promoting the globalization, unification and standardization of statistics practice in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Providing training and education opportunities for prospective professions.
  • Promoting biostatistics profession from international perspectives.

Organizational Mechanism

The SBF was founded with the inaugural event held at Second Military Medical University in spring 2008. It is run by volunteers, not for profit. The forum is coordinated by a group of professionals from various institutions and organizations. The founder of the SBF includes

  • Professor Jia He, Dept of Health Statistics, Second Military Medical University
  • Professor Jin Xu, Dept of Statistics and Actuarial Science, East China Normal University
  • Dr Frank Shen, Roche Inc
  • Dr William Wang, Merck & Co, Inc
  • Dr Greg Wei, Pfizer Co
  • Ms Helen Yin, MacroStat Inc
  • Dr Weiying Yuan, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Inc
  • Professor Naiqing Zhao, School of Public Health, Fudan University
  • Professor Xinsheng Zhang, Dept of Statistics, Fudan University
  • Dr Zibao Zhang, Excel PharmaStudies Inc

Forum Activities

The SBF organizes routine seminar or local conference, covering a wide range of biostatistical research topics at different development stages of pharmaceutical products including drugs, biologics and medical devices. These activities include:

  1. Quarterly seminar series
  2. Ad-hoc social or technical gatherings
  3. Conferences
  4. Training courses
  5. Software demonstration

The quarterly events are held at participating universities:

  • Dept of Health Statistics, Second Military Medical University
  • School of Public Health, Fudan University
  • Dept of Statistics and Actuarial Science, East China Normal University
  • Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Since two years ago, the forum is broadcast online allowing participation national wide.

Maintained SJTU-Yale Joint Center for Biostatisitcs.